Automotive Glass Installers & Repairers

Auto Glass

Install and repair vehicle windshields and windows
Auto Glass
Why Should You Consider This Career?

1. High Pay, 2. High Demand, 3. Low Competition

That's $3,300 per bi-weekly paycheck
That's 2000 new jobs in Utah per year (30% growth)
Less Physical                                         More Physical
Less Training                                          More Training
More Structure                                     Less Structure
Automotive Glass Installer (Auto Glass Installer), Automotive Glass Technician (Auto Glass Technician), Automotive Glazier (Auto Glazier), Glass Installer, Glass Installer Technician, Glass Technician, Windshield Installer, Windshield Repair Technician

Auto Glass Technician Career Guide: Salary Insights, Overview, and Steps to Join the Trade

Are you considering a career as an Auto Glass Technician? In this comprehensive career guide, we will provide you with salary insights, an overview of the job, and the steps to join the trade. Whether you're just starting out or looking for a career change, this article will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Overview of Auto Glass Technicians | What do Auto Glass Technicians do?

Auto Glass Technicians, also known as Windshield Technicians or Auto Glass Installers, are skilled professionals who specialize in repairing and replacing automotive glass. They work with a variety of vehicles, from cars and trucks to buses and heavy machinery. Their primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and functionality of vehicle windows and windshields.

Auto Glass Technicians are typically employed by automotive repair shops, dealerships, or specialized glass companies. They may also work as independent contractors, providing their services to individual car owners. A typical day for an Auto Glass Technician involves inspecting and assessing damaged glass, removing old windows, installing new glass, and ensuring proper sealing and adherence. They may also be involved in repairing minor cracks and chips, depending on the severity of the damage.

Attention to detail and precision are crucial skills for Auto Glass Technicians. They must be familiar with the different types of automotive glass and the specific installation requirements for each vehicle. Additionally, they need to have a good understanding of safety procedures and be able to work efficiently without compromising the integrity of the vehicle.

When it comes to inspecting and assessing damaged glass, Auto Glass Technicians use their expertise and specialized tools to carefully examine the extent of the damage. They consider factors such as the size and location of cracks or chips, as well as any underlying issues that may have caused the damage. This thorough assessment allows them to determine the best course of action for repair or replacement.

Removing old windows is another important task performed by Auto Glass Technicians. They use specialized techniques and tools to safely and efficiently remove the damaged glass without causing any further damage to the vehicle. This requires precision and skill to ensure that the surrounding areas, such as the frame and interior, are not affected during the removal process.

Installing new glass is a critical step in the work of an Auto Glass Technician. They carefully fit the new glass into the vehicle, ensuring a proper and secure placement. This includes aligning the glass with the surrounding frame, applying the necessary adhesives or sealants, and ensuring a watertight seal. They also take into account any additional features, such as sensors or heating elements, that may be integrated into the glass.

Repairing minor cracks and chips is a skill that Auto Glass Technicians possess, which can save customers time and money. They use specialized tools and techniques to fill in the damaged areas with resin, restoring the structural integrity of the glass and preventing further spreading of the damage. This repair process requires precision and attention to detail to achieve a seamless result.

Auto Glass Technicians also prioritize safety in their work. They are well-versed in safety procedures and regulations to ensure the protection of themselves, the vehicle, and the occupants. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, following proper handling and disposal practices for glass and adhesives, and adhering to industry standards for installation and repair.

In addition to their technical skills, Auto Glass Technicians also possess excellent customer service skills. They interact with customers on a daily basis, providing them with information about the repair or replacement process, discussing pricing and warranty options, and addressing any concerns or questions. They strive to provide a positive and professional experience for customers, ensuring their satisfaction and trust in their services.

In conclusion, Auto Glass Technicians play a vital role in the automotive industry by ensuring the safety and functionality of vehicle windows and windshields. Their expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to safety make them indispensable professionals in the field. Whether it's repairing minor chips or replacing shattered windows, Auto Glass Technicians are dedicated to providing high-quality service and maintaining the integrity of every vehicle they work on.

Auto Glass Technician Salary | How much do Auto Glass Technicians make?

One of the primary factors influencing career choices is salary. As an Auto Glass Technician, you can expect to earn a competitive salary, considering the specialized skills and expertise required for the job.

The average salary for Auto Glass Technicians varies depending on factors such as location, experience, and employer. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers was $37,480 as of May 2020. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,260, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $56,640.

It is important to note that salary can also be influenced by the demand for Auto Glass Technicians in a specific area. In regions with a high concentration of vehicles or areas prone to extreme weather conditions, there may be greater demand for their services, potentially leading to higher salaries.

When considering the salary of Auto Glass Technicians, it is essential to recognize the value of their specialized skills. These professionals undergo extensive training to acquire the necessary knowledge and techniques for repairing and installing automotive glass. They are well-versed in handling different types of glass, such as laminated, tempered, and safety glass, ensuring the utmost safety and quality in their work.

Moreover, Auto Glass Technicians often work with advanced tools and equipment, including suction cups, cutting tools, and adhesive systems. They possess a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in removing damaged glass and properly fitting new glass into vehicles. This level of expertise and attention to detail contributes to the demand for their services and justifies the competitive salary they receive.

Another factor that can impact the salary of Auto Glass Technicians is the level of experience they possess. Like many other professions, as technicians gain more experience in the field, their earning potential tends to increase. Experienced Auto Glass Technicians may have developed a reputation for their exceptional craftsmanship and customer service, which can lead to higher-paying job opportunities or even self-employment.

Furthermore, the demand for Auto Glass Technicians can fluctuate depending on various factors. For instance, regions with a high concentration of vehicles, such as densely populated cities or areas with heavy commuter traffic, may have a consistent demand for glass repair and replacement services. Additionally, areas prone to extreme weather conditions, such as hailstorms or hurricanes, may experience a surge in demand for Auto Glass Technicians as vehicle owners seek to repair the damage caused by these natural events.

Considering these factors, it becomes evident that the salary of Auto Glass Technicians is influenced by a combination of their specialized skills, experience level, and the demand for their services in a particular area. While the median annual wage provides a general overview, it is crucial to recognize the various factors that contribute to the compensation of these skilled professionals.

A Day in the Life of an Auto Glass Technician

Wondering what a typical day looks like for an Auto Glass Technician? Let's take a closer look at the tasks and responsibilities they encounter on a daily basis.

1. Inspection and Assessment: The day usually starts with inspecting and assessing the extent of damage to the vehicle's glass. This involves identifying cracks, chips, or other defects that need attention.

Upon arriving at the workshop, the Auto Glass Technician carefully examines the vehicle, paying close attention to every inch of the glass. They use specialized tools to measure the size and depth of cracks, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of the damage. This meticulous inspection helps them determine the best course of action for repair or replacement.

2. Removal of Old Glass: If the glass is beyond repair or replacement is necessary, the Auto Glass Technician will carefully remove the old glass, ensuring that no further damage occurs to the vehicle or surrounding components.

Using precision tools, the Auto Glass Technician begins the delicate process of removing the damaged glass. They take great care to protect the vehicle's interior and exterior, using protective coverings and ensuring that no scratches or dents occur during the removal process. This attention to detail ensures a seamless transition from old to new glass.

3. Installation of New Glass: With the old glass removed, the Auto Glass Technician will proceed to install the new glass, ensuring a proper fit and alignment. They will also apply sealants and adhesives to ensure a secure and watertight installation.

The Auto Glass Technician carefully measures and cuts the new glass to match the specifications of the vehicle. They then use their expertise to position the glass precisely, ensuring a flawless fit. Applying the appropriate sealants and adhesives, they create a strong bond between the glass and the vehicle, guaranteeing a secure and watertight installation.

4. Quality Assurance: After installation, the Auto Glass Technician will carefully inspect the work to ensure it meets quality standards. They will check for proper sealing, alignment, and any potential issues that may affect the safety or functionality of the glass.

With a keen eye for detail, the Auto Glass Technician meticulously examines the installed glass. They check for any signs of misalignment, gaps, or imperfections that could compromise the integrity of the installation. They also verify that the sealants and adhesives have dried and formed a strong bond. This thorough quality assurance process guarantees that the glass meets the highest standards of safety and functionality.

5. Customer Service: In addition to technical skills, Auto Glass Technicians need excellent customer service skills. They often interact with customers, explaining the repair or replacement process, answering questions, and addressing any concerns.

Understanding the importance of customer satisfaction, the Auto Glass Technician ensures a positive and informative experience for every customer. They take the time to explain the repair or replacement process, addressing any concerns or questions the customer may have. By providing exceptional customer service, they build trust and confidence, leaving customers satisfied and confident in the work performed.

Ideal Traits and Skills for an Auto Glass Technician

While technical skills and knowledge are essential for auto glass technicians, certain personal traits and skills can help individuals excel in this career. Here are some of the ideal qualities:

1. Manual Dexterity: Auto Glass Technicians work with small tools and delicate materials, requiring precise hand movements and coordination.

Having excellent manual dexterity is crucial for an auto glass technician. They must be able to handle small tools with precision and delicacy, ensuring that no damage occurs to the glass or the surrounding areas. Whether it's removing a cracked windshield or installing a new one, the technician's hands must be steady and agile to perform the task accurately.

2. Attention to Detail: Ensuring proper alignment, sealing, and functionality of glass requires a keen eye for detail.

An auto glass technician must have an exceptional attention to detail. They need to carefully inspect the glass, ensuring that it fits perfectly into the frame and that there are no gaps or misalignments. Even the smallest imperfection can compromise the integrity of the installation, potentially leading to leaks or even accidents. By paying attention to every minute detail, the technician guarantees that the glass is flawlessly installed, providing maximum safety and functionality.

3. Problem-Solving Abilities: Auto Glass Technicians often encounter various challenges during installations or repairs and must be able to find solutions quickly.

Every auto glass installation or repair comes with its own unique set of challenges. Whether it's dealing with a complex windshield shape or working on a vehicle with intricate features, an auto glass technician must possess excellent problem-solving abilities. They need to think on their feet, coming up with innovative solutions to overcome any obstacles that may arise. By being resourceful and adaptable, the technician ensures that they can handle any situation that comes their way, providing top-notch service to their customers.

4. Communication Skills: Interacting with customers and providing clear explanations and instructions is crucial for a positive customer experience.

Being an effective communicator is vital for an auto glass technician. They need to interact with customers, understanding their concerns and explaining the entire process in a clear and concise manner. By actively listening to the customers' needs and addressing any questions or doubts they may have, the technician builds trust and ensures a positive customer experience. Additionally, providing clear instructions on post-installation care and maintenance helps customers understand how to prolong the lifespan of their newly installed glass.

5. Physical Stamina: The job may involve working in uncomfortable positions and lifting heavy glass, so good physical stamina is important.

An auto glass technician's work can be physically demanding. They may need to work in tight spaces, contorting their bodies to access certain areas of the vehicle. In addition, lifting and maneuvering heavy glass requires strength and endurance. Having good physical stamina allows the technician to perform their tasks efficiently and without risking their own well-being. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle contribute to their ability to handle the physical demands of the job.

How long will it take to become an Auto Glass Technician | Training and Educational Path for Auto Glass Repair

If you're interested in pursuing a career as an Auto Glass Technician, you may be wondering about the training and educational requirements. While there is no formal degree required to become an Auto Glass Technician, certain steps can help you acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.

1. High School Education: A high school diploma or GED equivalent is typically the minimum educational requirement for entering this field. It provides a solid foundation in subjects such as mathematics, physics, and automotive technology.

2. Vocational or Technical School: Many vocational schools or community colleges offer programs specifically tailored to auto glass repair. These programs can typically be completed in 6-12 months and provide hands-on training in glass installation and repair techniques.

3. On-the-Job Training: Once you've acquired the basic knowledge and skills, getting hands-on experience is crucial. Many employers offer on-the-job training programs where you can further develop your skills under the supervision of experienced technicians.

4. Certification: While not mandatory, obtaining certification can enhance your credibility and job prospects. Organizations such as the National Windshield Repair Association (NWRA) offer voluntary certification programs that assess your knowledge and skills in auto glass repair.

It's important to note that the duration of the training and educational path may vary depending on the individual and the specific program or training opportunities available.

Necessary Certifications for Auto Glass Technicians

While certification is not mandatory for Auto Glass Technicians, obtaining industry-recognized certifications can demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and excellence in the field. Here are a few notable certifications:

1. Auto Glass Safety Council™ (AGSC™): The AGSC is a non-profit organization that provides certification options for auto glass technicians. Their Certified Auto Glass Technician program assesses technicians' knowledge and skills in areas such as windshield repair, installation, and safety standards.

2. National Glass Association (NGA): The NGA offers the Certified Auto Glass Technician (AGT) designation, which recognizes individuals who have passed an industry-recognized exam and demonstrated their expertise in auto glass installation and repair.

Earning these certifications can set you apart from other job applicants and provide potential employers with reassurance about your skills and knowledge in auto glass repair.

Career Advancement in Auto Glass Repair

Becoming an Auto Glass Technician is not the end of the road in terms of career growth. With experience and additional training, you can explore various opportunities for advancement and professional development within the field.

1. Specialty Certifications: Once you have established yourself as a skilled Auto Glass Technician, you may consider pursuing specialty certifications in areas such as advanced glass repair techniques or specific vehicle models.

2. Supervisory and Management Roles: With experience, you may have the opportunity to take on supervisory or management roles within an auto glass repair shop or company. These positions involve overseeing a team of technicians, managing operations, and ensuring quality standards are met.

3. Entrepreneurship: Some Auto Glass Technicians choose to start their own glass repair businesses, providing services to individual customers or partnering with local automotive repair shops.

4. Continuous Learning and Professional Development: Staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in auto glass technology and repair techniques is essential for career growth. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and training programs to expand your knowledge and skills.

Why Choose a Career in Auto Glass Repair?

If you're considering a career as an Auto Glass Technician, here are a few reasons why this field may be an excellent choice:

1. Job Stability: As long as vehicles exist, the need for auto glass repair will continue. This provides a stable job market with potential growth opportunities.

2. Fulfilling Work: Auto Glass Technicians play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and functionality of vehicle windows. Seeing the results of your work firsthand can be highly rewarding.

3. Variety: As an Auto Glass Technician, you'll work with a wide variety of vehicles and encounter different glass repair challenges each day, keeping the job interesting and engaging.

4. Competitive Salary: Auto Glass Technicians earn a competitive salary, considering the specialized skills and expertise required.

Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Glass Technicians

Here are some common questions people have about Auto Glass Technicians:

  1. Q: How long does it take to replace a windshield?
  2. A: The time required to replace a windshield can vary depending on several factors, such as the vehicle model and the complexity of the installation. On average, it may take around 1-2 hours.
  3. Q: What are the different types of automotive glass?
  4. A: The most common types of automotive glass include laminated glass, tempered glass, and privacy glass. Laminated glass is used for windshields, while tempered glass is found in side and rear windows.
  5. Q: Can a small chip in a windshield be repaired?
  6. A: In many cases, small chips in windshields can be repaired using specialized techniques. However, it's important to address chips promptly, as they can quickly spread and lead to more significant damage.
  7. Q: Is auto glass repair covered by insurance?
  8. A: Many insurance policies cover auto glass repair or replacement. It's recommended to check your insurance policy or contact your insurance provider to determine coverage.

These are just a few examples of the questions often asked about Auto Glass Technicians. If you have any specific queries, it's best to consult a certified Auto Glass Technician or industry expert.


As you can see, a career as an Auto Glass Technician offers various opportunities for growth, a competitive salary, and the satisfaction of ensuring the safety of vehicle windows. By gaining the necessary skills and knowledge and obtaining industry-recognized certifications, you can embark on a fulfilling career in auto glass repair. Remember to continuously update your skills through ongoing learning and professional development to stay ahead in this dynamic field.

If you have further questions or want to explore this career path in more detail, don't hesitate to consult with industry professionals or reach out to experienced Auto Glass Technicians for guidance.

At A Glance in US
Wage loader
398,000 (35%)
This is some text inside of a div block.
398,000 (35%)
398,000 (35%)
Automotive Glass Installer (Auto Glass Installer), Automotive Glass Technician (Auto Glass Technician), Automotive Glazier (Auto Glazier), Glass Installer, Glass Installer Technician, Glass Technician, Windshield Installer, Windshield Repair Technician
A Typical Day Icon

Your Typical Day:

  • Prime all scratches on pinchwelds with primer and allow to dry.
  • Remove all dirt, foreign matter, and loose glass from damaged areas, apply primer along windshield or window edges, and allow primer to dry.
  • Allow all glass parts installed with urethane ample time to cure, taking temperature and humidity into account.
  • Apply a bead of urethane around the perimeter of each pinchweld and dress the remaining urethane on the pinchwelds so that it is of uniform level and thickness.
  • Select appropriate tools, safety equipment, and parts, according to job requirements.
  • Install replacement glass in vehicles.
  • Obtain windshields or windows for specific automobile makes and models from stock and examine them for defects prior to installation.
  • Check for and remove moisture or contamination in damaged areas and keep areas dry until repairs are complete.
  • Replace all moldings, clips, windshield wipers, or other parts that were removed prior to glass replacement or repair.
  • Remove broken or damaged glass windshields or window glass from motor vehicles, using hand tools to remove screws from frames holding glass.
wage icon

Wages in the US:

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Per Hour Base Income
Total Compensation
Your Responsibilities Icon

Your Responsibilities

  • Replace vehicle glass.
  • Paint surfaces or equipment.
  • Determine types of equipment, tools, or materials needed for jobs.
  • Inspect structural components of vehicles to identify problems.
  • Clean workpieces or finished products.
  • Reassemble equipment after repair.
  • Remove parts or components from vehicles.
  • Repair non-engine automotive or vehicle components.
  • Prepare materials for processing.
  • Adjust vehicle components according to specifications.
Your Knowledge Icon

Knowledge You Will Learn

  • Customer and Personal Service

Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. 77/100

  • Mechanical

Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance. 68/100

  • English Language

Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar. 59/100

  • Administration and Management

Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources. 50/100

  • Administrative

Knowledge of administrative and office procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records, stenography and transcription, designing forms, and workplace terminology. 49/100

  • Public Safety and Security

Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions. 45/100

  • Personnel and Human Resources

Knowledge of principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection, training, compensation and benefits, labor relations and negotiation, and personnel information systems. 42/100

  • Sales and Marketing

Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems. 39/100

  • Transportation

Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits. 37/100

  • Education and Training

Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects. 35/100

Tools of the Trade Icon

Tools of the Trade

  • Razor knives
  • Trim or molding tools
  • Screwdrivers
  • Pullers
  • Shears
  • Ultraviolet UV lamps
  • Mill saw file
  • Power blowers
  • Tape measures
  • Knife blades
  • Air dryers
  • Heat tracing equipment
  • Blow torch
  • Power buffers
  • Cleaning scrapers
  • Hold down clamps
  • Utility knives
  • Power drills
  • Protective gloves
  • Wedges
  • Resin guns
  • Specialty wrenches
  • Inspection mirror
  • Punches or nail sets or drifts
  • J hooks
  • Torx keys
  • Deburring tool
  • Straight edges
  • Multimeters
  • Air compressors
  • Cold chisels
  • Ratchets
  • Suction cups
  • Ohmmeters
  • Awls
  • Pry bars
  • Hammers
  • Nut drivers
  • Scribers
  • Glass cutters
  • Power caulking guns
  • Caulking guns
  • Desktop computers
  • Personal computers
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